
Moving the IPV6-MIBS to historic

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Republishing the IPV6-MIBS as obsolete

In 2005, the IPv6 MIB update group published updated versions of the IP-MIB [RFC4293], UDP-MIB [RFC4113], TCP-MIB [RFC4022] and IP- FORWARD-MIB [RFC4292], which use the InetAddressType/InetAddress construct to handle IPv4 and IPv6 in the same table. These documents were marked in the RFC Index as obsoleting the corresponding IPV6-MIBs, but the extracted content of these MIBs never changed in MIB repositories, and the original RFCs (as is normal IETF policy) never changed from being Proposed Standard.

This causes an unclear situation when simply looking at MIB repositories, so we are reclassifying the original documents ([RFC2452], [RFC2454], [RFC2465], and [RFC2466]) as historic.

Submitted drafts:

The current draft is here. (diff from -01)

Diffs between the original RFCs and the version in the current draft:

The current draft of the IESG status change document (as described in this IESG statement), reclassifying RFC24xx to historic is here. We may not need this and would just use the publication of the above I-D for this purpose.